PROFORE is a multi-layer compression bandaging system developed to apply sustained graduated compression for the management of venous leg ulcers and associated conditions. Multi-layer compression bandaging is the first choice in treatment for venous leg ulcers.1
PROFORE is the gold standard 4 layer compression system which is backed up with extensive clinical evidence and support. A range of products is available to suit patient needs and expert support is provided through study days and education.
PROFORE provides approximately 40mm Hg pressure at the ankle decreasing to 17mm Hg at the knee.2
What is a Leg Ulcer?
A leg ulcer may be defined as a loss of skin below the knee on the leg or foot. Leg ulcers can often be unsightly, painful and slow to heal. Whether they are venous, arterial or of mixed aetiology, nearly 80% of all leg ulcer patients are cared for in the community3, 4
Leg ulcer treatment can be reduced to once a week with compression bandages as multi-layer bandages can be left in place for up to 7 days.